Discover Islam specialises in providing bespoke services for Primary & Secondary Schools and Educational Institutes. We give on-site introductory presentations/lectures about Islam, and we organise Mosque Tours, Exhibitions, and Question & Answer Session.

We arrange Mosque Tours for School students, where they get to learn about various aspects of the way Muslims pray.

School Presentation
We do presentations on request at schools and educational institutes. The presentations give basic information about Islam and Muslims.

We organise Cultural Exhibitions from a learning perspective which gives an insight to Islamic Faith in a detailed manner.

Interfaith Panel
We fully participate and promote inter-faith initiatives to support and promote social cohesion and to further enrich the diverse fabric of a rich multicultural modern day society.

Educational Materials
Discover Islam wants to build a better understanding of Islam through learning; to achieve the aim, we have produced Educational Cartoon Animations that give Islamic Information in an interesting and engaging manner.